The Australian Taxi Drivers Association
Representing Australian Taxi Drivers and their Regional Associations.
The Transport Workers Union is the recognised Trade Union for Taxi Drivers.
But very few of the 60,000 taxi drivers in Australia are membersof the TWU
Even fewer of the 22,000 in NSW are members of the NSW TWU.
The only body that can legally represent taxi drivers in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission is the NSW TWU, under Chapter Six of the NSW Industral Relations Act 1966
No one represents us at Fair Work Australia because we are not employees.
In Sydney ( but not for the rest of NSW) we have the Taxi Drivers Contract Determination 1984 as the "contract" under which we bail out taxis as "bailee drivers"
Evwen though we are nominally, and only in Sydney, entitled to Annual Leave, Sick Pay and maybe, to Superannuation, none of these things normally ever get paid.
Taxi Driver Registration