The Australian Taxi Drivers Association
The issue of TaxiAwards
Some months ago the activity of a group known as TaxiAwards ceased operations, leaving about a hundred Sydney taxi drivers who had been using their eftpos devices out of pocket to the tune of about $300,000. The fares paid by their passengers on credit cards went straight into the TaxiAwards account and were not paid out to those drivers. Fortunately for the seven hundred odd other drivers who at some time had also trusted TaxiAwards with their money, up until that time they had been paid.
To attract cabbies the bait was a promise to pay up to seventy five percent of the ten percent surcharge. They gave an eftpos device provided by BankWest and operated through First Data Corp, and so had the apparent backing of two major and credible organisations. But the business plan was based on paying for the terminals and services out of fare turnover. It appears that the breakeven point was about $2000 a week. That did not happen.
What has happened is that BankWest is now owed a few million dollars, and taxi drivers are owed about $300,000. The Bank can probably afford a loss -- the drivers cannot.
Enter the ATDA.
We are in the process of working out a solution which might get the unfortunate drivers their money.
To do that we need details from any and all drivers who have been affected by this disaster, and, as well, details from drivers who have used the Taxi Awards device.
For the Drivers who have lost money, we need to know how much. We also need you to join the ATDA so that we can act on your behalf and try to get a result. That includes all Drivers who have used the TaxiAwards devices. The actual devices that you used should be kept securely, because thay are of value to someone - perhaps the Bank. They are one of our bargaining tools in negotiations.
On Tuesday 10th September a meeting has been called at the International Airport Holding Bay at 11.00 am to try and get organised and started. Please come ...
Taxi Driver Registration